How to make the best resume for your first job in 2023 ?

By Tarun kumar | Last Updated : July 10, 2023

Welcome to the exciting world of professional opportunities! As you embark on your quest for your first job in 2023, it’s essential to equip yourself with the knowledge of crafting a remarkable resume that captures the interest of prospective employers. Your resume serves as a powerful tool for marketing yourself, making it vital to present your qualifications, skills, and experiences in a compelling manner.

In this comprehensive blog post, we will take you through a systematic approach to creating an influential resume that will undoubtedly pave the way to your dream job. Join us as we delve into the art of resume writing and unlock the secrets to success. Let’s get started on:

How to make a resume for first job in 2023.

Choose a Good Template

Firstly, select a resume template that is visually appealing and professional. There are numerous online platforms offering free or affordable templates designed to make your resume stand out. Look for a template that suits your personal style while maintaining a clean and organized layout. Remember, first impressions matter, and a well-designed template can make a significant difference in capturing the attention of hiring managers. Use Canva to make free Templates.

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Highlight Your Education or Work Experience

Depending on your current status in the job market, it’s crucial to emphasize either your education or work experience section.

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If you are a fresher with limited or no professional experience, focus on showcasing your educational background. Include details such as your degree, university name, graduation year, and any relevant coursework or academic achievements. Additionally, highlight any internships, volunteer work, or extracurricular activities that demonstrate your skills and commitment.

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If you have already gained some work experience, prioritize listing your previous job positions, internships, or relevant volunteering experiences. Include the company names, job titles, employment periods, and a brief description of your responsibilities and achievements in each role. This will provide potential employers with a clear understanding of your professional growth and capabilities.

Highlight Your Skills

Employers not only look for qualifications but also assess the skills you bring to the table. Identify and include both soft skills and hard skills that are relevant to the job you are applying for. Soft skills encompass qualities such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and time management. Hard skills, on the other hand, refer to specific technical abilities related to the job or industry.

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For example, if you are applying for a marketing position, highlight skills such as social media management, content creation, or data analysis.

To effectively communicate your skills, provide concrete examples of how you have utilized them in previous experiences. You can mention situations where you successfully applied your communication skills to collaborate with a team or instances where your problem-solving abilities led to innovative solutions. Demonstrating your skills with real-world examples will make your resume more impactful and memorable.

Add Projects You Have Worked On

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If you have completed any notable projects, whether as part of your coursework, personal initiatives, or internships, be sure to include them in a separate section. Projects showcase your practical skills and demonstrate your ability to apply what you have learned in real-world scenarios. Describe each project briefly, outlining your role, the objectives, and the outcomes achieved. This will provide employers with a deeper insight into your abilities and the value you can bring to their organization.

Craft a Career Objective or Summary

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For freshers, a career objective statement helps employers understand your goals and aspirations. Keep it concise and specific, stating the position or industry you are targeting and how your skills and education align with that goal. Your objective should be tailored to the job you are applying for and should convey your enthusiasm and determination.

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If you already have experience in the field, replace the objective with a summary statement positioned at the top of your resume. This summary should highlight your key accomplishments, areas of expertise, and the value you have added in previous roles. It gives potential employers an overview of your professional background and quickly captures their attention.

Understand the Page Limit

Resume length is an essential factor to consider when creating your resume. As a fresher, it is generally recommended to keep your resume to a maximum of one page. This ensures that the document is concise, easy to read, and contains only the most relevant information. By focusing on the essential details, you can effectively communicate your qualifications and skills without overwhelming the reader.

On the other hand, if you are not a fresher and have more extensive work experience, it is acceptable to extend your resume beyond one page. However, it is important to strike a balance and avoid including unnecessary or redundant information. Remember, hiring managers often have limited time to review each resume, so it is crucial to keep your document focused and concise. If you have a multi-page resume, ensure that the most important information is presented on the first page.

Avoid Adding Family Details and Hobbies

While it’s important to showcase your personality and interests, it is generally considered unprofessional to include family details and hobbies in your resume. Focus on highlighting your professional qualifications, skills, and experiences that are relevant to the job you are applying for. If you want to convey your interests or extracurricular activities, it is better to discuss them during an interview or in a separate cover letter.

Include Testimonials from Previous Managers (If Applicable)

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If you already have work experience and have received positive feedback from your previous managers or colleagues, consider including testimonials in your resume. Testimonials provide credibility and validate your skills and work ethic. Select quotes that specifically highlight your strengths and accomplishments in the workplace. Ensure that the testimonials are from reputable sources and that you have obtained permission to use them in your resume.

Add Your LinkedIn or Website Profiles


In the modern era of technology, it is crucial to have a professional online presence. Include a link to your LinkedIn profile or personal website, if applicable, in your resume. This allows employers to explore more about your professional background, projects, and endorsements. Make sure your LinkedIn profile is up to date, includes a professional headshot, and aligns with the information provided in your resume.

Craft the Resume According to the Job Application

Each job application is unique, and it is crucial to tailor your resume to match the specific requirements of the position you are applying for. Carefully read the job description and identify keywords, skills, and qualifications that the employer is seeking. Incorporate these keywords strategically throughout your resume, ensuring that your relevant experiences and achievements are highlighted. By aligning your resume with the job application, you demonstrate that you have taken the time to understand the role and are genuinely interested in the opportunity.

In conclusion, creating an effective resume for your first job in 2023 requires careful attention to detail and customization.

To increase your chances of securing that first job, remember to:

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A word from us!

At UniKaksha, our resume-building tips have been created in collaboration with experienced trainers with over 10 years of expertise in this field. In addition, we offer comprehensive training programs that equip students with valuable skills for technical and non-technical interviews, email etiquette, time management, chat etiquette, and various other soft skills. Join our Job Ready Pro Program today to discover more about these valuable resources!

Frequently Asked Question

If you have no job experience, focus on highlighting your skills, education, volunteer work, internships, or relevant coursework. Emphasize transferable skills and showcase your eagerness to learn and contribute.

AI development can be challenging due to its complexity and the need for expertise in machine learning, data analysis, programming, and algorithms. However, with dedication, continuous learning, and practical experience, individuals can acquire the necessary skills to pursue a career in AI development. While it may require effort, the field of AI offers exciting opportunities to create intelligent systems and algorithms that can automate tasks and solve complex problems.

The basic resume format typically includes sections for contact information, professional summary or objective, work experience (if applicable), education, skills, and any additional relevant sections like certifications or achievements. It is organized in a clear and easy-to-read manner.

The four basic resume types are chronological, functional, combination, and targeted resumes.

1. Chronological: Highlights work experience in reverse chronological order.

2. Functional: Focuses on skills and abilities rather than chronological work history.

3. Combination: Combines elements of both chronological and functional formats.

4. Targeted: Tailored specifically for a particular job or industry, highlighting relevant skills and experiences.

About the Author

Luqmaan Shaik
Luqmaan Shaik
Blog Author

Luqmaan Shaik serves as the Blog Specialist at Unikaksha, where he leads a team of technical writers dedicated to researching and providing valuable content for blog readers. With a wealth of experience in SEO tools and technologies, his writing interests encompass a wide range of subjects, reflecting the diverse nature of the articles. During his leisure time, he indulges in an equal balance of web content and book consumption.

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