Today, on 10th October, we celebrate Ada Lovelace Day – a day dedicated to honoring the remarkable achievements of women in STEM. It is not just any ordinary day; it is a day that reminds us of the indomitable spirit and brilliance of Ada Lovelace, who laid the foundation for modern computing as one of the world’s first computer programmers. Her contributions to science and technology continue to inspire countless women around the globe to pursue their passions in fields traditionally dominated by men. On this special day, let us delve into Ada Lovelace’s extraordinary life and explore how her legacy continues to shape our present and future.

Ada Lovelace’s Life

Ada Lovelace was born Augusta Ada Byron on December 10, 1815, in London, England. She was the daughter of the poet Lord Byron and Annabella Milbanke Byron. Her father abandoned the family when she was a baby, and her mother raised her in a strict and religious household. Lord Byron soon succumbed to his death when Ada was only 8.

Ada’s Love For STEM

Since Ada was little, her mother was determined to give Ada a good education, especially in mathematics and science. As Ada grew a little bit older, she showed a love for mathematics, and soon started studying with some of the best tutors in England.

First Ever Computer Programmer- Ada Lovelace

Ada was only 17 years old when she met Charles Babbage, a mathematician and inventor, in 1833. Babbage was then working on a machine called the Analytical Engine, which is considered to be the first programmable computer!

Ada was fascinated by the Analytical Engine, and she began to study its design with Babbage. She also began to write notes about the machine, which would later become known as the “Notes on the Analytical Engine.” In these notes, Ada described how the Analytical Engine could be used to perform a variety of tasks, including mathematical calculations, music composition, and even translation.

Ada Lovelace was the first person to recognize the Analytical Engine’s capabilities beyond being a pure calculator machine.

Ada’s notes are considered to be the first computer programs, and she is often credited with being the first computer programmer. However, she never saw the Analytical Engine completed during her lifetime.

Unfortunately, Ada died of cancer in 1852 at the age of 36. Despite her short life, Ada Lovelace made significant contributions to the field of computer science. Her work on the Analytical Engine helped to lay the foundation for the development of modern computers. She is also remembered for her vision of the potential of computers to be used for more than just mathematical calculations.

Ada Lovelace Day- History & Date

Ada Lovelace Day is a globally celebrated event that takes place on the second Tuesday of October every year. It was established by Suw Charman-Anderson, a renowned social writer and campaigner, with the aim of recognizing and honoring the accomplishments of women in STEM fields. In 2023, Ada Lovelace Day will be observed on October 10th.

Significance Of Ada Lovelace Day

Women in STEM have historically been marginalized and their contributions often overlooked due to societal stereotypes. However, the tide has turned, and we are now striving for greater equality and opportunities for both men and women in STEM fields. It is our responsibility to continue promoting and inspiring future generations to pursue learning and make ground-breaking discoveries. That is why Ada Lovelace Day is celebrated annually on the second Tuesday of October with the aim of promoting women worldwide.

Celebrate Ada Lovelace Day!

Celebrating Ada Lovelace Day is a fantastic way to honor the contributions of women in STEM, especially Ada Lovelace herself.

Here are some ways you can celebrate this day in your own way:

1. Educational Events and Workshops: Organize or participate in events, workshops, or webinars focusing on Ada Lovelace, her achievements, and the role of women in technology.

2. Learning Opportunities: Engage in learning sessions about computer programming, coding, or any STEM-related topic to embrace Ada Lovelace’s spirit of innovation and learning.

3. Highlight Women in STEM: Share stories and achievements of women in STEM fields on social media, blogs, or through other platforms to inspire others and showcase their contributions.

4. Mentorship and Networking: Offer mentorship or networking opportunities to women aspiring for a career in STEM, supporting and guiding them as they navigate their path.

5. Collaborative Projects: Collaborate on projects or initiatives related to technology, science, or engineering, fostering creativity and innovation.

6. Ada Lovelace Day Talks: Attend or host talks and panel discussions about Ada Lovelace’s life, her work, and the importance of diversity and inclusion in the tech world.

7. Artistic Expressions: Encourage art, music, or any form of creative expression that portrays Ada Lovelace’s influence and the impact of women in STEM.

8. Book Clubs: Organize a book club featuring literature about Ada Lovelace, her achievements, or even science fiction that explores technology and innovation.

9. Hackathons or Coding Challenges: Participate in or organize coding challenges or hackathons to stimulate problem-solving skills and foster an interest in programming.

10. Support STEM Initiatives: Contribute to or volunteer with organizations that promote STEM education and opportunities for underrepresented individuals in the field.

Or you can simply share this blog as a token of celebration for Ada Lovelace Day!

In conclusion, Ada Lovelace’s Day is a momentous occasion that celebrates the achievements and contributions of women in STEM fields. By honoring Ada Lovelace today, we not only pay tribute to her ground-breaking work in computer programming but also acknowledge the countless women who have followed in her footsteps. This day serves as a reminder that diversity and inclusion are essential for innovation and progress in the STEM community. As we celebrate Ada Lovelace Day today, let us continue to support and empower women in STEM, creating a brighter future for all!

Join us in recognizing and elevating the accomplishments of women in technology, engineering, science, and mathematics, as we work towards building a more equitable world.

Also read our other blogs on women in STEM fields- From Swati Bhargava to Sheryl Sandberg: Mothers Who Shaped the Tech World and Celebrating International Women’s Day!

National Techies Day is here to remind us how much we owe to those mystical beings known as “techies.” These unsung heroes work their magic behind screens; conjuring up websites, apps, & software that have become indispensable for us. From ordering food online to video calling our loved ones- everything we do, and surround ourselves in daily lives with, is their creation!

So grab your beverage or a cup of coffee if you’re more into Java 😉 and dive with us in the world of National Techies Day! Though if you’re a true connoisseur of Java and want to enhance your skills then you may also take a look at our blog: Supercharge Your Performance – Crucial Java Developer Tools for 2023!

Coming to National Techies Day– in this blog we’ll tell you everything you may need to know to celebrate this occasion. But first, let’s start with…

Who Is A Techie?

The word “techie” was first used in the 1980s in the US, to denote a college student, who’s pursuing a technical degree.

A techie is someone who lives & breathes technology. Moreover, techies use technology to solve problems and create new things. They’re skilled in one or more areas, such as programming, coding, software development, web design, or IT support. They are also often interested in new technologies and trends, and they are always eager to learn more.

Techies are part of sorts of industries, from startups to large corporations. They play a vital role in our society, as they’re responsible for developing and maintaining the technologies that we rely on every day.

Here are some of the qualities that techies often share:

  • Passion for technology: Techies love to learn about new technologies and how they can be used to solve problems.
  • Creativity: Techies are often creative and innovative thinkers. They are not afraid to experiment with new ideas and to try new things.
  • Problem-solving skills: Techies are skilled at solving problems and finding creative solutions.
  • Attention to detail: Techies are often detail-oriented and meticulous in their work.
  • Ability to learn quickly: Techies are able to learn new technologies and skills quickly.

If you have these qualities, and writing codes is how you jam then you may be a techie!

However, if you’re someone who possesses all of the above listed qualities; but don’t know where to start your professional career as a programmer then don’t worry! UniKaksha is here to help, just click here, and get started.

National Techies Day History & Date

National Techies Day is celebrated each year on 3rd October, which was allegedly introduced by Computer Networks and Technology in the year 1999. Since then, this date has been celebrated throughout the world as a reminder of “thanking” all the techies- coders, programmers, IT personnel, computer specialists, etc.

Importance Of Celebrating National Techies Day!

Techies Day is important because it is a day to celebrate the contributions of techies to society. Apart from recognizing the contributions of the techies, celebrating this day can also be used to:

  • Educate the public about technology: Techies Day can be used to provide educational resources and events that help the public to learn more about technology and its impact on society.
  • Promote STEM education: This day can also be used as a “way to encourage” students and young minds to pursue STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education.

Overall, National Techies Day is a valuable opportunity to celebrate the pioneering contributions of techies and to promote technology literacy and equity in society.

Besides, there’s one more way you can make this National Techies Day even more special for yourself or loved ones…want to know how? By getting the gift of UniKaksha’s Full Stack Development Program for yourself or someone who’d cherish it!

At UniKaksha have courses tailor-made for everyone- be it someone fresh out of grad school or individuals thinking of a career switch. Anyone can be a “techie” with the right determination and support. So, what are you waiting for? Grab your opportunity to become the “techie” and join the coding revolution.


Frequently Asked Question

October 3rd is the National Techies Day

National Techies Day is a fantastic opportunity to appreciate and celebrate the contributions of techies in our lives and society.

Here are some ways to celebrate this day:

1. By attending tech events or conferences

2. Visiting tech museums or exhibitions

3. Hosting tech meetups or hackathons

1. Giving back to the tech community by educating and promoting tech-related information amongst children

1. By celebrating the techies in your life

It was allegedly coined/ founded by National Technology Day by CNET- a media website that posts articles, podcasts, videos, etc related to latest techs.

About the Author

Vaishali Thapa
Vaishali Thapa
Blog Author

Meet Vaishali! Armed with a Bachelor’s in Biotech Engineering (because who doesn’t love a bit of DNA and drama), she realized her true calling lay in weaving words rather than genes. She has an extensive background filled with writing experiences for the ed-tech, biotech, and travel industry that spans 3 years and counting. At UniKaksha, she manages the content department and never fails to deliver creative yet top-notch content.

Welcome to our blog as we join the global celebration of World Youth Skills Day 2023!

The theme of World Youth Skills Day 2023 is “Empowering Teachers, Trainers, and Youth for a Transformative Future”. This theme encapsulates the essence of nurturing and harnessing the potential of our young generation. It is a day dedicated to recognizing the critical role that teachers, trainers, and the youth play in shaping a brighter future for all.

In this blog post where we delve into the importance of empowering teachers, trainers, and youth, along with practical ways to achieve this goal. We will also explore how UniKaksha can contribute to this empowering process.

Without further ado, let’s begin.

Reasons and How to Empower Teachers, Trainers, and Youth on World Youth Skills Day:

Reasons for Empowering Teachers, Trainers, and Youth:

Reasons for Empowering Teachers, Trainers, and Youth Image

Empowering teachers, trainers, and youth is crucial for several reasons: –

a) Quality Education:

Teachers and trainers play a pivotal role in delivering quality education to the youth. By empowering them with the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources, we can ensure that our youth receive a well-rounded education that prepares them for the challenges and opportunities of the future.

b) Skill Development:

Empowering teachers and trainers with up-to-date skills and methodologies enables them to effectively impart essential skills to the youth. By equipping them with the latest tools and techniques, we can ensure that the youth acquire relevant skills that align with the demands of the ever-evolving job market.

c) Inspiration and Mentorship:

Empowered teachers and trainers serve as role models and mentors for the youth. Their guidance, support, and encouragement can inspire young individuals to unlock their full potential and pursue their passions. This mentorship fosters personal and professional growth, enabling youth to navigate their career paths with confidence.

d) Building Resilience:

Empowering teachers, trainers, and youth helps build resilience in the face of challenges. By equipping them with critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and adaptability, we enable them to overcome obstacles and embrace change. This resilience is essential for navigating the dynamic nature of the modern world.

How to Empower Teachers, Trainers, and Youth:

How to Empower Teachers, Trainers, and Youth  Image

Empowering teachers, trainers, and youth can be achieved through various strategies:

a) Professional Development:

Providing continuous professional development opportunities for teachers and trainers ensures they stay updated with the latest teaching methods, technologies, and subject knowledge. This can be achieved through workshops, training programs, conferences, and collaborations with educational institutions and industry experts.

b) Access to Resources:

Equipping teachers and trainers with adequate resources, such as textbooks, online materials, and educational tools, enhances their ability to deliver high-quality education. Providing access to libraries, digital platforms, and educational software promotes effective teaching and learning.

c) Mentoring Programs:

Establishing mentoring programs between experienced educators and young teachers/trainers fosters knowledge exchange, skill development, and personal growth. Mentoring programs also help create a supportive network for teachers and trainers to seek guidance and professional advice.

d) Skill-Based Education:

Introducing skill-based education programs equips the youth with the necessary competencies for employment and entrepreneurship. Collaborations with industry partners, internships, apprenticeships, and vocational training help bridge the gap between education and practical application.

e) Awareness and Advocacy:

Promoting awareness about the importance of youth skills development and advocating for policies that support teachers, trainers, and youth empowerment can generate widespread positive change. Engaging governments, educational institutions, community organizations, and the private sector can lead to collaborative efforts for impactful outcomes.

How UniKaksha Empowers Teachers, Trainers, and Youth:

UniKaksha is dedicated to empowering individuals through comprehensive upskilling courses. We offer a Full Stack Web Development course and a Job Ready program to equip learners with the necessary skills and knowledge.

Our Full Stack Web Development course is designed to turn people into web developers who are ready to work in the industry. It only takes 26 weeks to complete. In the course, you will learn through a carefully planned curriculum and get lots of practice with real projects. By the end, you will become skilled in both front-end and back-end web development. You will also learn important technologies and frameworks that are used in the field.

In addition, our Job Ready program is tailored to help individuals become job-ready within a shorter timeframe of 16 weeks. This program focuses on enhancing interview skills, resume building, communication proficiency, technical expertise, and overall professional development.

Whether you choose the Full Stack Web Development course or the Job Ready Program, UniKaksha is committed to providing the necessary tools, guidance, and support to help you succeed in your career journey.

In conclusion on this World Youth Skills Day, let us recognize the power of empowering teachers, trainers, and youth. Together, we have the extraordinary ability to cultivate an environment that nurtures talent, ignites innovation, and fosters inclusive growth.

By providing the necessary tools, guidance, and support, we empower teachers to become beacons of inspiration, trainers to become facilitators of learning, and youth to become the architects of their own destinies.

That is it for now. Wishing you a joyful Youth Skills Day! Check out UniKaksha in case you need a helping hand on your Upskilling journey!

About the Author

Luqmaan Shaik
Luqmaan Shaik
Blog Author

Luqmaan Shaik serves as the Blog Specialist at Unikaksha, where he leads a team of technical writers dedicated to researching and providing valuable content for blog readers. With a wealth of experience in SEO tools and technologies, his writing interests encompass a wide range of subjects, reflecting the diverse nature of the articles. During his leisure time, he indulges in an equal balance of web content and book consumption.

Are you captivated by the blend of virtual and physical worlds that augmented reality (AR) creates? Do you dream of becoming an AR developer and crafting immersive experiences? In this comprehensive guide, we will unlock the door to an extraordinary journey into the realm of augmented reality. Learn the key steps, skills, and opportunities to become an augmented reality developer and shape the future of technology.

How to Become an Augmented Reality Developer?

Becoming an augmented reality developer requires a combination of technical skills, creativity, and a deep understanding of user experience. Here are the key steps to embark on this exciting career path :

1. Gain a Solid Foundation in Programming and Computer Science

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AR development heavily relies on programming and computer science principles. Start by mastering programming languages such as C#, C++, or JavaScript, as these are commonly used in AR development frameworks and platforms. Acquire a strong understanding of object-oriented programming, data structures, algorithms, and software development concepts. This foundation will serve as a solid base for your journey into AR development.

2. Acquire Knowledge of AR Technologies and Frameworks

AR Technologies and Frameworks Image

Familiarize yourself with popular AR technologies and frameworks, such as Unity 3D and Unreal Engine. These platforms provide powerful tools and resources for developing AR applications. Explore their features, learn how to create and manipulate virtual objects in a real-world environment, and understand the underlying concepts of marker-based and marker less AR. Additionally, stay updated with the latest AR development kits and libraries to leverage cutting-edge features in your projects.

3. Master 3D Modeling and Animation

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To create compelling AR experiences, it’s essential to have a good grasp of 3D modeling and animation. Develop skills in using software like Autodesk Maya or Blender to create and manipulate 3D models, textures, and animations. Understand the principles of lighting, shading, and rigging to bring your virtual objects to life within the AR environment. The ability to create visually stunning and realistic 3D assets is crucial for immersive AR experiences.

4. Learn AR Development Tools and Languages

Augmented reality development often involves working with specific tools and languages. Unity 3D, for example, provides a robust development environment for AR. Familiarize yourself with Unity’s AR Foundation package, which simplifies the development process across different AR platforms. Additionally, learn about AR-specific languages like Apple’s ARKit or Google’s ARCore, depending on the platform you choose to develop for. Understanding these tools and languages will enable you to build AR applications that leverage platform-specific features.

5. Build a Strong Portfolio

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As an AR developer, it’s crucial to showcase your skills and projects through a strong portfolio. Start by working on small-scale AR projects to gain hands-on experience and demonstrate your capabilities. Create AR applications or experiences that highlight your technical proficiency, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Collaborate with designers, 3D artists, and UX specialists to develop well-rounded AR projects. Your portfolio will serve as tangible evidence of your abilities and become an essential asset when applying for AR development positions.

How to Become an Augmented Reality Developer in India?

If you’re aspiring to become an augmented reality developer in India, here are a few additional steps to consider:

1. Explore AR Research and Development Centres

AR Research Image

India has seen remarkable growth in the AR domain, with several research and development centres focusing on AR technologies. Institutions like the Indian Institute of Technology (IITs), National Institute of Design (NID), and private organizations like TCS Innovation Labs have active AR research initiatives. Explore opportunities to collaborate with these centres or participate in their AR-related projects to gain exposure and enhance your skills in the Indian AR landscape.

2. Engage in AR Communities and Events

AR Communities Image

India has a vibrant community of AR enthusiasts and professionals. Joining AR-focused communities, attending meetups, and participating in hackathons or conferences can provide valuable networking opportunities. Engaging with like-minded individuals, sharing knowledge, and staying updated with the latest advancements in AR will help you expand your horizons and discover new career prospects.

3. Seek AR Internships and Industry Collaborations

Internships or industry collaborations provide hands-on experience and insights into real-world AR development projects. Look for companies or start-ups working on AR technologies and explore internship opportunities with them. Additionally, keep an eye on government-led initiatives or research projects that involve AR, as they may offer internship programs. These experiences not only enhance your practical skills but also expose you to industry best practices and potential job opportunities.

4. Stay Updated with AR Platforms and Indian Market Trends

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The AR landscape is continuously evolving, with new platforms, tools, and market trends emerging regularly. Stay updated with the latest AR platforms, such as Facebook’s Spark AR or Snapchat’s Lens Studio, as these platforms provide opportunities to develop AR experiences for social media. Additionally, familiarize yourself with the Indian market trends and specific use cases for AR in sectors like education, healthcare, entertainment, and marketing. Understanding the Indian market’s unique demands and challenges will position you as a valuable asset for organizations seeking AR developers.

Augmented Reality Developer Salary in India

AR Salaries Image

When considering a career as an augmented reality developer in India, salary prospects play a vital role. While salaries vary based on factors such as experience, location, and organization, the average annual salary for AR developers in India ranges from INR 2 to 12.6 lakhs. However, experienced professionals with advanced skills and expertise in AR development can earn significantly higher salaries, often exceeding INR 20 lakhs per annum.

It’s important to note that salary expectations may vary depending on the industry and the demand for AR developers at a given time. Industries such as gaming, e-commerce, advertising, and education are actively embracing AR, creating exciting opportunities for skilled professionals. As the demand for AR continues to rise in India, augmented reality developers can anticipate a positive trajectory for their salaries.

Becoming an augmented reality developer offers an immersive and exhilarating career path at the forefront of technological innovation. By following the steps outlined in this blog, you can embark on a journey that combines technical expertise, creativity, and a deep understanding of user experience. In India, the AR landscape is ripe with opportunities, with research centres, industry collaborations, and a vibrant community driving the growth of AR technology. Stay updated with the latest tools, platforms, and market trends, and continue honing your skills to stand out in this rapidly evolving field.

So embrace the fascinating world of augmented reality and let your creations reshape the way we perceive and interact with the world around us.

Frequently Asked Question

Yes, VR developers are currently in high demand. With the growing popularity and adoption of virtual reality technology across industries, there is a significant need for skilled professionals who can create immersive and interactive VR experiences, design virtual environments, and develop VR applications.

Absolutely! Pursuing a career as a VR developer can be a rewarding choice. As VR technology continues to advance and expand into various sectors such as gaming, healthcare, education, and training, there are ample opportunities for VR developers to work on exciting projects, collaborate with multidisciplinary teams, and contribute to shaping the future of digital experiences.

Certainly! Both augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are poised to play a prominent role in the future. AR enhances the real world by overlaying digital information and virtual objects, while VR creates fully immersive digital environments. These technologies have immense potential across industries, including gaming, entertainment, education, architecture, and more, revolutionizing how we interact with digital content and the real world.

AI development can be challenging due to its complexity and the need for expertise in machine learning, data analysis, programming, and algorithms. However, with dedication, continuous learning, and practical experience, individuals can acquire the necessary skills to pursue a career in AI development. While it may require effort, the field of AI offers exciting opportunities to create intelligent systems and algorithms that can automate tasks and solve complex problems.

About the Author

sonali trehon
Sonali Trehon
Blog Author

Sonali is an accomplished Author, Content Writer, Copywriter, and Ghostwriter, known for her ability to create engaging and captivating communications. With over 11 years of experience, she has developed a diverse industry background in Education, Travel, Retail, Events, and Fashion . Quality over quantity is what she firmly believes in. At UniKakhsa, she leads a team of talented technical writers, dedicated to delivering valuable content to readers through our blogs.

International Women in Engineering Day is a special global celebration that happens on June 23rd. It’s a day to honour and celebrate women in engineering. We want more women to choose engineering as a career and show that they can make important contributions too. By celebrating this day, we hope to create a fair and equal environment where everyone can succeed in engineering.

In the past, engineering was mostly for men, but we want to change that. We want to inspire and support women who are interested in engineering and break down any barriers that might stop them. We believe that everyone should have an equal chance to pursue their passion and succeed in engineering.

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So on the occasion of International Women in Engineering Day, we have reached out to the talented women engineers at UniKaksha to share their thoughts on this day.

Here is what they have to say about International Women in Engineering Day :

R Melinda Praisy :

Our TA Executive, Melinda Praisy, has this to say about International Women in Engineering Day, sharing her insights and reflections on the importance of recognizing women’s contributions in the field.

On this occasion of International Women in Engineering Day, I reflect upon my own journey as an engineer. During my time in college, I pursued a degree in electronics and communication engineering. It was a challenging yet immensely rewarding experience that laid the foundation for my career. In the field, I have encountered diverse projects and worked alongside talented individuals from different backgrounds. These experiences have nurtured my curiosity, broadened my perspective and enriched my problem-solving skills.

Throughout my career, I have been fortunate to encounter numerous inspiring women engineers who have left a lasting impact on me. Their dedication, technical prowess, and ability to overcome challenges have been a constant source of motivation.

They have demonstrated that gender should never be a barrier to pursuing a career in engineering. The fellow engineers, both male and female, have demonstrated their expertise and dedication, pushing boundaries and making significant contributions to their respective fields. Their accomplishments have motivated me to continuously strive for excellence in my own work.

When it comes to women in engineering, I strongly believe in the importance of inclusivity and diversity. Women have unique perspectives and strengths that can greatly enrich the engineering community.

It is essential to create an environment that encourages and supports their participation, ensuring equal opportunities and recognition for their contributions. It is an opportunity to celebrate the progress made in bridging the gender gap and to encourage more women to explore engineering as a viable and fulfilling career path.

To the women reading this blog, I encourage you to embrace your passion for engineering fearlessly. Believe in your abilities and never hesitate to pursue your dreams. Engineering may present challenges, but with determination and perseverance, you can overcome them and excel in your chosen field.

Seek out mentors and role models who can provide guidance and support along the way. Networking and building strong professional relationships can open doors to new opportunities and collaborations. Lastly, remember to celebrate your achievements and be proud of the impact you make as a woman in engineering.

On this International Women in Engineering Day, let us celebrate the achievements of women engineers and work together to create an inclusive and diverse engineering community. Together, we can inspire the next generation of women engineers and foster a future where opportunities in engineering are accessible to all, regardless of gender.

Sneh Dhir :

Sneh Dhir, our Business Development Associate, shares her thoughts on International Women in Engineering Day, highlighting the achievements and potential of women engineers, and advocating for gender diversity in the industry.

Women in Engineering Day is an important occasion that celebrates women’s achievements and contributions in engineering. So, here I am reflecting on my own experience in college.

I vividly remember the challenges and triumphs that I faced as a woman pursuing an engineering degree. Despite being in a male-dominated environment, I found tremendous support from my professors, mentors, and peers who recognised and appreciated my capabilities.

Along the way, I had the privilege of working alongside remarkable female engineers who inspired me with their determination, resilience, and innovative thinking. Their accomplishments shattered stereotypes and showcased the immense potential that women possess in the field of engineering.

I firmly believe that diversity in engineering is crucial as it brings together unique perspectives, creativity, and problem-solving approaches. Women have an incredible ability to contribute fresh ideas and solutions, and it is vital that we continue to foster an inclusive environment where they can thrive and make a lasting impact.

Women in Engineering Day serves as a reminder of the immense talent and potential that women bring to the engineering field, and it encourages us to continue promoting gender equality in this dynamic and rewarding profession.

Veda Vinothini Selvaraj :

Veda Vinothini Selvaraj, our Trainer, shares her thoughts on International Women in Engineering Day, highlighting the achievements and potential of women engineers and advocating for gender diversity in the industry. Here is a beautiful poem written by Veda Vinothini


Yes, She is judged by appearance

The way she talks

The way she walks

The way she dresses

She may have many obstacles

She broke them to make this

She accepts it because she want to achieve something

She needs independence

She needs equality

She doesn’t wants to be viewed as weak

This can be changed only if you change

She is great, she can make things great

Is she opening up

Is anything blocking her

Why she is silent

Because you are the reason

Silence doesn’t make any change, she knows but she can’t come out

If she works, she wants to be paid equally for her work

Is this really possible

May be it needs more courage or embracing

If you are thinking about ability, she is the equally powerful without any doubt

I know you will make a change and create working women’s lives better !

Amisha Gupta :

Amisha Gupta, our Tech Developer, offers her perspective on International Women in Engineering Day, emphasising the need for representation and celebrating the accomplishments of women engineers in shaping the future of technology.

International Women in Engineering Day (INWED) holds great significance in promoting gender diversity and inclusivity in the engineering field.I am thrilled to share my thoughts on this remarkable day. INWED serves as a platform to recognize and celebrate the achievements of women in engineering while also highlighting the ongoing challenges they face.

It is an opportunity to raise awareness about the underrepresentation of women in this profession and inspire young girls to consider engineering as a viable and fulfilling career option.

The engineering field has traditionally been male-dominated, with women facing numerous barriers and biases. However, INWED is instrumental in challenging these stereotypes by showcasing the exceptional work of women engineers across the globe.

By highlighting their accomplishments, the day fosters a sense of empowerment and motivation among women aspiring to pursue engineering careers. It reminds us that gender should never be a barrier to success and that women possess immense talent and skills in this field.

INWED also emphasises the importance of diversity in engineering. Diverse teams bring a wide range of perspectives, ideas, and approaches to problem-solving, ultimately leading to more innovative solutions.

By encouraging women to enter and thrive in engineering, we can tap into the full potential of talented individuals, creating a more inclusive and dynamic profession.

Moreover, INWED serves as a catalyst for change within the engineering industry. It urges organisations and institutions to address gender disparities and work towards creating an environment that supports and promotes gender equality.

By raising awareness of these issues, INWED encourages employers to implement policies and practices that foster inclusivity, such as providing mentorship programs, offering flexible work arrangements, and ensuring equal opportunities for career advancement.

Ultimately, INWED inspires us all to envision a future where women are equally represented in engineering and have the opportunity to contribute their skills and expertise. It encourages us to challenge societal norms, break down barriers, and create a more inclusive and diverse engineering community.

On this day, let us celebrate the achievements of women in engineering, honour their resilience, and collectively work towards a more equitable future.

Swathi Yadav :

Swathi Yadav, our Training Manager, shares her insights on International Women in Engineering Day, highlighting the contributions of women engineers and inspiring others to pursue careers in the field, regardless of gender.

This special day for women in engineering is an opportunity to become aware of what we have achieved in making engineering an accessible , celebrated and enjoyable career choice for women and also reflect on what we all have done to improve the representation of women in this important sector.

I have always imagined working in this Dope field, and have fast tracked my career from being a cautious self to a confident manager.

For me, women have always had this calibre of doing just anything if they set their mind to it and being in this important field of engineering they just function as Wonder women – fearless, smart, independent, save-the-world type but they can also be themselves, fun, witty, quirky, kind and yes beautiful too.

I am grateful for the many Women Engineers before me who have paved this path for me to look forward to and build a successful career and have my life balanced as well.

And lastly, it is important to promote this amazing field especially to young women showing them that they add value to a team by being more attentive and conscientious and they should definitely contribute towards building a more resilient future.

In conclusion, we want to sincerely thank all our female engineers for sharing their valuable thoughts on International Women in Engineering Day. Your contributions have truly inspired us. We hope to see more women joining the engineering industry, and as an organisation, we promise to prioritise inclusivity going forward.

With that, we reach the end of this wonderful journey filled with amazing stories. We invite you to share your own experiences and stories in the comments section because we believe in the power of collective voices and shared narratives.

Together, let’s keep celebrating and supporting women in engineering, as we shape a future that values diversity and equality.

Happy International Women in Engineering Day!

About the Author

Luqmaan Shaik
Luqmaan Shaik
Blog Author

Luqmaan Shaik serves as the Blog Specialist at Unikaksha, where he leads a team of technical writers dedicated to researching and providing valuable content for blog readers. With a wealth of experience in SEO tools and technologies, his writing interests encompass a wide range of subjects, reflecting the diverse nature of the articles. During his leisure time, he indulges in an equal balance of web content and book consumption.

Welcome to an exhilarating journey into the future of work! In this blog, we will delve into the top careers for the future and explore the best and most awesome career options that are set to dominate the professional landscape in 2023-2024. As technology continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, new opportunities arise, and traditional roles undergo exciting transformations. Whether you’re in India or anywhere else in the world, these careers hold immense promise and potential. So, fasten your seat belts and get ready to explore the most promising and captivating careers that lie ahead.

Here are the Top Tech Careers For The Future:

Technical Careers:

1. Artificial Intelligence Engineer:

Artificial Intelligence Engineer

With the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence, the demand for AI engineers is soaring. AI engineers design and develop advanced algorithms, leveraging machine learning techniques to create intelligent systems. In India, a thriving hub for technological innovation, AI engineers are sought after in industries such as healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and e-commerce. By applying AI solutions, businesses can enhance efficiency, automate processes, and gain a competitive edge in the digital marketplace.

2. Augmented Reality Developer:

Augmented Reality Developer

Augmented Reality (AR) has transformed the way we perceive and interact with digital content. AR developers create immersive and interactive experiences by overlaying virtual elements in the real world. In India, a rising force in the technology sector, AR developers can find opportunities in gaming, e-commerce, education, and marketing. By harnessing AR technology, businesses can engage customers, provide unique experiences, and drive sales like never before.

3. Cybersecurity Analyst:

Cybersecurity Analyst

In an increasingly digitized world, cybersecurity analysts play a critical role in protecting organizations from cyber threats. They identify vulnerabilities, develop security strategies, and implement measures to safeguard sensitive data. In India, where digital transformation is accelerating, the demand for cybersecurity professionals is high. Organizations need skilled analysts to mitigate risks, ensure compliance, and maintain data integrity in an environment prone to cyberattacks and data breaches.

4. Sustainable Energy Engineer:

Sustainable Energy Engineer

As the world focuses on sustainability and renewable energy, sustainable energy engineers are at the forefront of designing and developing clean energy solutions. They work on projects related to solar, wind, hydro, and other renewable sources. In India, the government’s emphasis on clean energy initiatives has created a favorable environment for sustainable energy engineering careers. Sustainable energy engineers contribute to mitigating climate change, reducing reliance on fossil fuels, and ensuring a greener future for generations to come.

5. Data Scientist:

Data Scientist

Data scientists analyze large volumes of data to derive meaningful insights and drive decision-making processes. With the exponential growth of data, organizations need data scientists to extract valuable information and identify trends. In India, where data analytics is gaining prominence across industries, data scientists are in high demand. They apply statistical analysis, machine learning, and predictive modeling techniques to solve complex problems, optimize processes, and drive innovation in fields ranging from healthcare and finance to marketing and e-commerce.

Career Average Salary
Artificial Intelligence Engineer ₹ 12 Lakhs
Augmented Reality Developer ₹ 3.9 Lakhs
Cybersecurity Analyst ₹ 5.1 Lakhs
Sustainable Energy Engineer ₹ 4.1 Lakhs
Data Scientist ₹ 12 Lakhs

Non-Technical Careers:

1. Content Writer:

Content Writer

Content writers create compelling and informative written material for various platforms such as websites, blogs, social media, and marketing campaigns. They have strong writing and research skills, adaptability in writing styles, and a keen understanding of grammar and storytelling. In India, content writers play a crucial role in content marketing, digital advertising, and building brand presence. Their creativity and ability to engage audiences through captivating content are highly valued in the ever-expanding digital landscape.

2. Human Resources Manager:

Human Resources Manager

Human Resources (HR) managers are responsible for overseeing the recruitment, training, and management of employees within organizations. They develop HR policies, handle employee relations, ensure compliance with labor laws, and foster a positive work environment. In India’s dynamic job market, HR managers play a vital role in talent acquisition, performance management, and organizational development. Their expertise contributes to attracting and retaining top talent, fostering a productive workforce, and promoting employee well-being in a competitive business landscape.

3. Marketing Manager:

Marketing Manager

Marketing managers develop and implement strategies to promote products or services, ensuring businesses reach their target audiences effectively. They conduct market research, manage advertising campaigns, analyze marketing performance, and contribute to brand building. In India, where consumer behavior is rapidly evolving, marketing managers are instrumental in developing innovative marketing approaches and driving business growth. Their ability to understand market trends, leverage digital platforms, and create impactful marketing campaigns is highly sought after by companies across industries.

4. Financial Planner:

Financial Planner

Financial planners provide guidance and advice to individuals or organizations regarding their financial goals. They assess clients’ financial situations, create budgets, develop investment plans, and help with tax planning and retirement strategies. In India, with a growing focus on personal finance management and wealth creation, financial planners have an expanding role. Their expertise helps individuals and businesses make informed financial decisions, navigate complex investment landscapes, and achieve long-term financial stability.

5. Graphic Designer:

Graphic Designer

Graphic designers create visual concepts and designs for various mediums, such as print, digital media, and advertising. They use software tools like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to develop layouts, illustrations, and logos. In India’s design-conscious market, graphic designers contribute to brand identity, marketing collateral, and user experiences. Their artistic skills, understanding of design principles, and ability to communicate visually make them indispensable in the creative industry, where visual appeal and effective communication are key.

Careers Average Salary
Content Writer ₹ 3.0 Lakhs
Human Resources Manager ₹ 6.5 Lakhs
Marketing Manager ₹ 7.0 Lakhs
Financial Planner ₹ 5.0 Lakhs
Graphic Designer ₹ 3.0 Lakhs


The future of work is brimming with exciting opportunities in both technical and non-technical fields. From artificial intelligence and augmented reality to content writing and financial planning, a multitude of careers awaits those ready to embrace innovation, sustainability, and digital transformation. Whether you are in India or any other part of the world, these top careers for the future promise personal fulfilment, professional growth, and the chance to make a meaningful impact in the ever-evolving professional landscape.

So, take the leap into the future and embark on a rewarding journey in one of these amazing careers. The future is yours to shape, and these career options are the gateway to success in 2023-2024 and beyond.

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Frequently Asked Question

To secure a high salary job, focus on acquiring valuable skills and qualifications that are in demand, and effectively negotiate your compensation package during the hiring process.

When re-entering the job market after 10 years, update your skills to match current industry requirements, and leverage your previous experience to demonstrate transferable skills and expertise to potential employers.

Routine tasks and repetitive jobs will be most vulnerable to automation by AI, while jobs requiring creativity, complex decision-making, and social intelligence are less likely to be replaced.

Degrees in fields such as computer science, data science, artificial intelligence, healthcare, and renewable energy are considered promising for future career opportunities due to the increasing demand and advancements in these areas.

About the Author

sonali trehon
Sonali Trehon
Blog Author

Sonali is an accomplished Author, Content Writer, Copywriter, and Ghostwriter, known for her ability to create engaging and captivating communications. With over 11 years of experience, she has developed a diverse industry background in Education, Travel, Retail, Events, and Fashion . Quality over quantity is what she firmly believes in. At UniKakhsa, she leads a team of talented technical writers, dedicated to delivering valuable content to readers through our blogs.

Are you ready to embark on an exhilarating journey into the world of technology, where innovation knows no bounds and lucrative opportunities await? According to the Financial Express, the IT sector in India is projected to create a staggering 3 lakh Tech jobs in 2023 alone. This highlights the tremendous growth and potential of the industry, making it an ideal time for students like you to explore the top high-paying tech jobs in India.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the realm of data science, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, cloud computing, and more. We’ll explore the salaries offered by renowned companies and showcase why these careers are worth pursuing.

Without any further Ado, Here are In-Demand Tech Jobs in India 2023:

Data Scientist:

Data Scientist Banner

Data is the new gold, and companies are seeking skilled data scientists to extract valuable insights from vast amounts of information. As a data scientist in India, you can expect attractive salaries. Top companies like Infosys, TCS, and Wipro offer salaries ranging from ₹7 to ₹30 lakhs per annum. With experience and expertise, you can earn even higher.

By pursuing a career as a data scientist, you’ll not only unlock the potential of data but also gain expertise in advanced analytics techniques, statistical modeling, and machine learning algorithms. This field offers immense growth opportunities as businesses increasingly rely on data-driven decision-making.

With the growing adoption of technologies like big data and artificial intelligence, data scientists will continue to be in high demand, making it an excellent career choice for aspiring tech professionals.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Engineer:

AI Engineer Banner

AI is revolutionizing industries across the globe, and India is no exception. Companies are actively hiring AI engineers to develop intelligent systems and algorithms. Leading tech giants like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon offer impressive salaries, starting from ₹10 to ₹40 lakhs per annum.

With the rapid advancements in AI, the demand for skilled professionals in India continues to rise. By pursuing a career as an AI engineer, you’ll have the opportunity to work on cutting-edge projects that have the potential to shape the future.

You’ll gain expertise in building and training AI models, along with knowledge of natural language processing and computer vision. As AI continues to permeate various sectors, such as healthcare, finance, and retail, the need for AI engineers will only grow, making it a rewarding and future-proof career choice.

Cybersecurity Analyst:

Cyber Security Analyst Banner

In today’s digital world, protecting sensitive information is of utmost importance. Cybersecurity analysts play a crucial role in safeguarding organizations from cyber threats. Leading IT companies like IBM, Accenture, and Capgemini offer attractive salaries to cybersecurity professionals. Entry-level salaries range from ₹5 to ₹15 lakhs per annum, with ample growth opportunities.

By pursuing a career as a cybersecurity analyst, you’ll develop skills in identifying and mitigating security risks, ethical hacking, and incident response strategies. With the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyberattacks, the demand for cybersecurity professionals is skyrocketing.

As technology evolves, new threats will emerge, requiring skilled experts to protect valuable data and ensure secure digital environments. This career path offers not only high earning potential but also the satisfaction of playing a crucial role in safeguarding organizations from cyber threats.

Cloud Architect:

Cloud Architect Banner

As businesses shift towards cloud-based solutions, cloud architects are in high demand. These professionals design and manage cloud infrastructure, ensuring scalability and security. Tech giants like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud offer competitive salaries to cloud architects. Salaries typically range from ₹8 to ₹25 lakhs per annum.

By pursuing a career as a cloud architect, you’ll learn about cloud infrastructure design and management, deployment and migration strategies, as well as security and compliance in cloud environments. With the increasing adoption of cloud computing, organizations require skilled professionals to harness the full potential of cloud technologies.

Cloud architects will play a crucial role in driving digital transformation, enabling businesses to scale efficiently and leverage the benefits of cloud-based solutions.

Full Stack Developer:

Full Stack Developer Banner

Full-stack developers are versatile professionals skilled in both front-end and back-end development. With the rise of web and mobile applications, the demand for full-stack developers has soared. Companies like Infosys, Cognizant, and HCL Technologies offer lucrative salaries, starting from ₹6 to ₹20 lakhs per annum.

By pursuing a career as a full-stack developer, you’ll master front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as back-end frameworks like Node.js, Django, and Ruby on Rails. You’ll have the opportunity to work on diverse projects, from designing intuitive user interfaces to implementing complex business logic.

As businesses strive to deliver seamless digital experiences, the need for skilled full-stack developers will continue to grow. This career path offers the chance to work on innovative projects and stay at the forefront of technology.

Machine Learning Engineer:

Machine Learning Banner

Machine learning is at the forefront of innovation, enabling computers to learn and improve without explicit programming. As a machine learning engineer, you can work on cutting-edge projects. Top companies such as IBM, Adobe, and Flipkart offer competitive salaries ranging from ₹8 to ₹30 lakhs per annum.

By pursuing a career as a machine learning engineer, you’ll specialize in machine learning algorithms, data preprocessing, and model evaluation techniques. You’ll have the opportunity to solve complex problems and develop intelligent systems that can make predictions and decisions autonomously. With the increasing integration of machine learning in various industries, from healthcare to finance, machine learning engineers will continue to be in high demand.

This career path offers the chance to work on exciting projects that push the boundaries of technology and shape the future.

UX/UI Designer:

UI UX Designer Banner

In the digital age, user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design are crucial for creating intuitive and visually appealing products. Companies like Adobe, Microsoft, and Flipkart value the skills of UX/UI designers and offer salaries starting from ₹5 to ₹20 lakhs per annum.

By pursuing a career as a UX/UI designer, you’ll learn to combine creativity with user-centered design principles. You’ll have the opportunity to create engaging and seamless user experiences across various platforms and devices. As technology evolves, the demand for skilled UX/UI designers will continue to grow. With the rise of mobile apps, websites, and digital products, companies recognize the importance of delivering exceptional user experiences to gain a competitive edge.

This career path offers the chance to shape the way people interact with technology and make a lasting impact through innovative design solutions.

These top high-paying tech jobs in India offer a bright future for aspiring professionals. With abundant opportunities in the IT sector, these careers present unique learning experiences and attractive salaries.

Whether you’re passionate about extracting insights from data, developing intelligent systems, or safeguarding organizations from cyber threats, now is the time to seize these opportunities and embark on a journey of growth and success.

All the best!

About the Author

Luqmaan Shaik
Luqmaan Shaik
Blog Author

Luqmaan Shaik serves as the Blog Specialist at Unikaksha, where he leads a team of technical writers dedicated to researching and providing valuable content for blog readers. With a wealth of experience in SEO tools and technologies, his writing interests encompass a wide range of subjects, reflecting the diverse nature of the articles. During his leisure time, he indulges in an equal balance of web content and book consumption.

Are you frustrated by the lack of callbacks from your dream companies on LinkedIn? We got you covered with 14 Templates For LinkedIn To Hear Back From Your Dream Company. It’s time to dig deeper and uncover the potential reasons behind this challenge. In today’s competitive job market, standing out and capturing the attention of hiring managers requires a strategic approach.

One powerful way to increase your chances of getting noticed and securing those coveted callbacks is by utilising the personal invite option on LinkedIn. A personalised invitation allows you to make a memorable impression and establish a connection right from the start.

In this blog post, we’ll explore common pitfalls, provide actionable tips, and equip you with a set of carefully crafted templates to help you send the perfect personal invites that will make hiring managers take notice.

Hear is an Example pointing arrow

how to send invite image

Let’s dive in and unlock the secrets with these 14 Templates For LinkedIn invites:

Template 1:

Hi [Hiring Manager Name], I’m impressed by your work at [Company]. I’m actively seeking opportunities in [field]. It would be great to connect and discuss potential roles that align with my skills and experience. Thank you!

Template 2:

Hi [Hiring Manager Name], I came across your [Job Title] posting and was excited to learn more. With [Number of Years] years of experience in [field], I believe I would be a great fit for this role. Let’s connect and schedule a time to discuss my qualifications further. Thank you!

Template 3:

Hi [Hiring Manager Name], I’ve always admired [Company]’s reputation for innovation and success in the industry. As someone passionate about [Industry], I would love to connect and learn more about any open positions you may have available. Thank you!

Template 4:

Hi [Hiring Manager Name], I stumbled upon your profile on LinkedIn and was genuinely impressed by your background and experience. I’m keen on connecting to gain insights into your work and explore potential collaboration opportunities. Would you be available to chat sometime this week? Thank you!

Template 5:

Hi [Hiring Manager Name], I’m thrilled about the opportunities at [Company] and how my skills align with your needs. Let’s connect and discuss how I can contribute to the success of your team. I look forward to connecting soon. Thank you!

Template 6:

Hi [Hiring Manager Name], Your impact in [Industry] with [Company] has always inspired me. I would be honoured to connect with you and explore potential roles where my skills and expertise can contribute to your organisation’s growth. Thank you!

Template 7:

Hi [Hiring Manager Name], Your [Job Title] opening immediately caught my attention. With [Number of Years] years of experience in [field], I have a proven track record of delivering exceptional results. Let’s connect and discuss how my expertise can benefit [Company]. Thank you!

Template 8:

Hi [Hiring Manager Name], I’ve been fascinated by your expertise and achievements. It would be fantastic to connect and learn more about your work and industry insights. I believe our conversation could lead to exciting opportunities. Thank you!

Template 9:

Hi [Hiring Manager Name], Your background has piqued my interest, and I’m eager to connect with you. Let’s explore potential opportunities and discuss how my skills align with your organisation’s goals. Thank you!

Template 10:

Hi [Hiring Manager Name], Your achievements at [Company] have left a lasting impression on me. I would love to connect and explore possibilities for collaboration, leveraging my skills to contribute to your ongoing success. Thank you!

Template 11:

Hi [Hiring Manager Name], I found your profile captivating and your accomplishments inspiring. I’m actively seeking opportunities in [field] and would be grateful for a chance to connect and discuss potential roles within your esteemed organisation. Thank you!

Template 12:

Hi [Hiring Manager Name], Your profile stood out to me as a shining example of excellence in [field]. I’m eager to connect and explore ways we can create an impact together. Let’s discuss potential roles and how my skills align with your company’s vision. Thank you!

Template 13:

Hi [Hiring Manager Name], Your [Job Title] position at [Company] perfectly matches my career aspirations and skill set. I’m eager to connect and discuss how my qualifications make me an ideal candidate for this role. Let’s explore this exciting opportunity further. Thank you!

Template 14:

Hi [Hiring Manager Name], I am thrilled to see your job posting for [Job Title] at [Company]. With my strong background in [field] and a passion for [specific area], I am confident that I can contribute significantly to your team’s success. Let’s connect and delve deeper into how I can make an impact. Thank you!

By utilizing these carefully crafted templates and leveraging the power of personalized invites on LinkedIn, you can significantly increase your chances of securing call-backs from your dream companies. Remember, the key is to make a memorable impression, showcase your value, and establish a genuine connection with hiring managers.

Put these templates into action, adapt them to your unique circumstances, and watch as your LinkedIn outreach yields positive results. With determination, persistence, and the right strategies, you can pave the way for your desired success and open doors to exciting career opportunities. Take charge of your LinkedIn journey, implement these techniques, and set yourself up for a bright professional future.

Best of luck on your path to success!

About the Author

Luqmaan Shaik
Luqmaan Shaik
Blog Author

Luqmaan Shaik serves as the Blog Specialist at Unikaksha, where he leads a team of technical writers dedicated to researching and providing valuable content for blog readers. With a wealth of experience in SEO tools and technologies, his writing interests encompass a wide range of subjects, reflecting the diverse nature of the articles. During his leisure time, he indulges in an equal balance of web content and book consumption.

Mothers have always played a significant role in this society. The tech industry is no exception to it. From Swati Bhargava, the co-founder of CashKaro, to Sheryl Sandberg, the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook, mothers have contributed greatly to the development and growth of the tech world. Their contributions have not only paved the way for future generations but also challenged the status quo and brought new perspectives to the table.

On this mothers day let us learn to explore the role of mothers who shaped the tech world throughout history and examine the ways in which their contributions have impacted the industry.

Let’s jump right into it.

1) Swati Bhargava:


Swati Bhargava is a successful Indian entrepreneur and the co-founder of CashKaro, an e-commerce platform that offers cashback and coupon services to users in India.

Prior to starting CashKaro, Bhargava worked at Goldman Sachs and co-founded Pouring Pounds, a cashback site for UK consumers. CashKaro has become a leading player in the Indian e-commerce market, helping users save money while shopping online.

As a mother, Bhargava has been open about the challenges of balancing her career and family life. She believes that it is essential to build a support system and delegate responsibilities to manage work and family effectively.

Bhargava has also emphasized the importance of flexible work arrangements that allow women to pursue their careers while also being present for their families.

Bhargava’s success as an entrepreneur and her advocacy for working mothers make her an inspiration to women in India and around the world. Her entrepreneurial journey has shown that it is possible to balance a successful career with family responsibilities.

2) Aditi Gupta:

Aditi Gupta

Aditi Gupta is a social entrepreneur who co-founded Menstrupedia, a website that provides menstrual education in a culturally sensitive way.

She recognized the need for accurate menstrual education in India, where many girls lack access to such information. Menstrupedia’s comics, articles, and videos have reached millions of people globally and have won several awards for their innovative approach to menstrual education.

As a mother, Aditi Gupta advocates for more flexible work arrangements that allow parents to prioritize their families while still pursuing their careers. She believes that motherhood has taught her the importance of empathy and compassion in leadership.

Aditi Gupta’s work with Menstrupedia and her advocacy for flexible work arrangements demonstrate her commitment to social responsibility and women’s empowerment. She has become a leading voice in the menstrual health movement and an inspiration to young girls and women worldwide.

Her entrepreneurship skills and personal experiences have enabled her to create positive change and empower marginalized communities.

3) Ruchi Sanghvi:


Ruchi Sanghvi is an Indian-American entrepreneur and engineer, who was the first female engineer at Facebook and co-founder of Cove, a collaboration platform for distributed teams.

She played a significant role in developing Facebook’s news feed and advertising system during her tenure at the company. After leaving Facebook, she co-founded Cove, which helps remote teams collaborate more effectively.

As a mother, Sanghvi has spoken about the challenges of balancing work and family life and the need for more support for working mothers. She believes that companies should provide flexible work arrangements and access to affordable childcare to help women maintain a healthy work-life balance. Sanghvi has also emphasised the importance of creating a support system and taking time to recharge.

Sanghvi’s success as an engineer and entrepreneur, combined with her advocacy for working mothers, serves as an inspiration to women in the tech industry and beyond. Her contributions to the development of Facebook and her work in co-founding Cove have had a significant impact on the tech industry.

4) Reshma Saujani:


Reshma Saujani is a lawyer, activist, and mother who has made significant contributions to the tech industry through her organization Girls Who Code.

She founded Girls Who Code in 2012 with a mission to close the gender gap in technology and provide girls with the opportunity to pursue careers in tech. Her organization offers coding classes and other tech-related activities to girls from underserved communities, helping them build the skills and confidence necessary to thrive in the tech industry.

Saujani’s work with Girls Who Code has earned her numerous accolades, including recognition as one of Fortune’s “World’s Greatest Leaders” and Time’s “100 Most Influential People in the World”. She is also the author of several books, including “Girls Who Code: Learn to Code and Change the World” and “Brave, Not Perfect: Fear Less, Fail More, and Live Bolder”.

As a mother herself, Saujani understands the importance of empowering young girls and providing them with the tools they need to succeed in the tech industry. Through her work with Girls Who Code, she has inspired a new generation of female tech leaders and has helped to create a more diverse and inclusive tech ecosystem.

5) Sheryl Sandberg:


Sheryl Sandberg is one of the most prominent women in the tech industry. She is an accomplished business executive, author, and philanthropist. As the COO of Facebook, Sandberg oversees the company’s business operations and has played a crucial role in its growth and success.

As the COO of Facebook, Sandberg oversees the company’s business operations and has played a crucial role in its growth and success. Before joining Facebook in 2008, Sandberg was the Vice President of Global Online Sales and Operations at Google. She also worked as the Chief of Staff for the United States Secretary of the Treasury and was a management consultant with McKinsey & Company.

Sandberg is also a well-known advocate for women’s empowerment in the workplace. She is the author of the best-selling book “Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead,” which encourages women to pursue leadership positions and break down gender barriers in the workplace

As a mother Sandberg has also been a vocal advocate for work-life balance and has championed the importance of parental leave policies. She has implemented generous parental leave policies at Facebook and has encouraged other companies to do the same.

Sandberg’s impact on the tech industry and on working mothers is significant, and she continues to be a role model for women aspiring to leadership positions in all fields.

Unikaksha believes that every mother, regardless of her profession, deserves recognition and appreciation for her tireless efforts in nurturing and raising the next generation. As we celebrate this special day, let us not forget the incredible contributions of these women who have left an indelible mark on the world of technology. Thank you,Swati Bhargava, Aditi Gupta, Ruchi Sanghvi, Sheryl Sandberg, and Reshma Saujani, for your amazing work and your continued inspiration.

About the Author

Luqmaan Shaik
Luqmaan Shaik
Blog Author

Luqmaan Shaik serves as the Blog Specialist at Unikaksha, where he leads a team of technical writers dedicated to researching and providing valuable content for blog readers. With a wealth of experience in SEO tools and technologies, his writing interests encompass a wide range of subjects, reflecting the diverse nature of the articles. During his leisure time, he indulges in an equal balance of web content and book consumption.

Are you ready to take on the tech industry and become a sought-after professional? The world of technology is rapidly evolving, and to stay ahead of the curve, you need to have the right skills. So, let’s talk about the top 5 tech skills essential for future that will give your career a boost!

5 Tech Skills Essential for Future Jobs:

1) Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are technologies that enable machines to learn and make decisions independently. As businesses become more data-driven, the demand for AI and ML professionals is skyrocketing. With the ability to analyze and process massive amounts of data, AI and ML are revolutionizing the way businesses operate. If you have experience in AI and ML, you’ll be in high demand in the coming years.

2) Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is a vital aspect of any business or organization, and the need for cybersecurity professionals is increasing rapidly. As the world becomes more connected, the threat of cyber attacks is also on the rise ( Embroker ). With the increase in cybercrime, businesses need to protect their data and infrastructure from hackers. Cybersecurity experts help organizations to protect their data and networks from malicious attacks.

3) Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is the practice of using remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data. With the rise of cloud technology, businesses are looking for professionals who can help them migrate their data and applications to the cloud. Cloud computing professionals are also in charge of maintaining cloud infrastructure and ensuring it is secure and efficient.

4) Internet of Things (IOT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the connection of physical devices to the Internet. IoT devices range from smart home devices to industrial equipment. The demand for IoT professionals is on the rise as more businesses integrate IoT devices into their operations. IoT professionals are responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining IoT devices and networks.

5) Full Stack Web Development

Full stack web development is the practice of developing both the front-end and back-end of a website. As businesses move online, the demand for web developers is increasing. Full-stack web developers are skilled in both front-end development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and back-end development (server-side programming languages like Java, Python, or Ruby). With full-stack web development skills, you can develop complex web applications that meet the needs of businesses and users alike.

If any of these skills excite you, don’t wait any longer to acquire them! UniKaksha offers a full-stack web development program that will give you the technical skills you need to succeed in the tech industry. You’ll be mentored by experts in the field and work on real-world projects to gain practical experience. The program is designed to help you become a skilled professional and take your career to new heights.

So, what are you waiting for? The tech industry is waiting for you to take the lead and make a difference. With UniKksha’s full-stack web development program, you can unlock your potential and become a force to be reckoned with in the tech world!

About the Author

sonali trehon
Sonali Trehon
Blog Author

Sonali is an accomplished Author, Content Writer, Copywriter, and Ghostwriter, known for her ability to create engaging and captivating communications. With over 11 years of experience, she has developed a diverse industry background in Education, Travel, Retail, Events, and Fashion . Quality over quantity is what she firmly believes in. At UniKakhsa, she leads a team of talented technical writers, dedicated to delivering valuable content to readers through our blogs.

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