In this era of technological advancements, the demand for artificial intelligence (AI) engineers is skyrocketing. The field of AI presents exciting opportunities for those with a passion for innovation and problem-solving. If you’ve ever wondered how to become an artificial intelligence engineer and embark on a thrilling career at the forefront of cutting-edge technology, you’ve come to the right place.

In this blog, we will guide you through the steps to becoming an AI engineer, with a focus on the Indian context. From acquiring the necessary skills to understanding the salary prospects, let’s unlock the door to an exciting journey into the world of AI engineering.

How to Become an Artificial Intelligence Engineer :

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Becoming an artificial intelligence engineer requires a combination of technical skills, education, and practical experience. Here are the key steps to embark on this career path:

1. Gain a Strong Foundation in Mathematics and Programming :

To excel as an AI engineer, it’s crucial to have a solid understanding of mathematics and programming. Mathematics forms the backbone of AI algorithms and models, while programming skills allow you to implement those algorithms effectively.

Start by mastering the fundamentals of mathematics, including linear algebra, calculus, and probability theory. These mathematical concepts are fundamental to understanding machine learning algorithms and their underlying principles.

Simultaneously, develop a strong programming foundation in languages such as Python, Java, or C++. These languages are widely used in AI development and provide a versatile toolkit for building AI systems.

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2. Pursue Relevant Education :

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Obtaining a formal education in computer science, data science, or a related field is highly recommended for aspiring AI engineers.

A bachelor’s or master’s degree provides a comprehensive understanding of algorithms, data structures, statistics, and machine learning. Look for programs that offer specialized AI courses, covering topics such as neural networks, natural language processing, computer vision, and reinforcement learning.

These courses will equip you with the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills required for AI engineering.

3. Specialize in Artificial Intelligence :

While pursuing your education, it’s essential to focus on courses or certifications that specifically cover artificial intelligence and machine learning. Online platforms offer a wide range of AI-related courses and specializations taught by industry experts and renowned academics.

Dive deep into the concepts of AI, study different machine learning algorithms, and learn how to train models using real-world datasets. Gain hands-on experience with popular AI frameworks and libraries such as TensorFlow and PyTorch.

This specialization will give you a competitive edge in the job market and demonstrate your expertise in AI engineering.

4. Build a Strong Portfolio :

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Practical experience is invaluable in the field of AI engineering. As you progress in your AI journey, work on projects that allow you to apply AI algorithms and techniques to solve real-world problems.

Seek out opportunities to collaborate with researchers, participate in Kaggle competitions, or contribute to open-source AI projects. Building a portfolio of completed projects showcases your skills, creativity, and ability to tackle complex AI challenges.

Highlight your contributions, the outcomes achieved, and any unique approaches or innovations you applied. A strong portfolio not only demonstrates your technical proficiency but also shows your passion for AI and your ability to deliver tangible results.

5. Stay Updated with the Latest Developments :

AI is a rapidly evolving field, and staying updated with the latest trends and technologies is essential.

Follow renowned AI researchers, subscribe to AI-focused blogs and newsletters, and actively engage with the AI community. Attend AI conferences, workshops, and webinars to learn from industry experts and gain insights into emerging AI applications.

By staying at the forefront of advancements in AI, you can adapt to new techniques, tools, and frameworks as they emerge, keeping your skills relevant and in demand.

How to Become an Artificial Intelligence Engineer in India


If you’re aspiring to become an AI engineer in India, here are a few additional steps to consider:

1. Explore AI Research Institutes and Labs :

India boasts several renowned research institutes and laboratories that focus on AI and machine learning. Institutions like the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), and Indian Institute of Science (IISc) have dedicated research centers and departments specializing in AI.

Explore opportunities to work or collaborate with these institutions to gain valuable research experience and exposure to cutting-edge projects. Many of these institutes offer postgraduate programs and research fellowships specifically in AI, providing an excellent platform to deepen your knowledge and network with experts in the field.

2. Join AI-focused Communities and Networks :

AI Communities

India has a vibrant AI community, with various forums, meetups, and professional networks dedicated to AI enthusiasts.

These communities provide opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals, engage in discussions, share knowledge, and learn from experts. Platforms like Meetup, LinkedIn, and Kaggle host AI-centric groups where you can interact with AI practitioners, researchers, and industry professionals.

Participating in online discussions, attending webinars, and networking events can expand your professional circle, expose you to diverse perspectives, and open doors to collaboration and career opportunities.

3. Engage in Hackathons and Competitions :

Participating in AI-focused hackathons, competitions, and coding challenges can provide invaluable learning experiences and help you showcase your skills to potential employers.

These events often present opportunities to solve real-world problems using AI techniques and algorithms. Organizations like Analytics Vidhya, DataHack, and HackerEarth regularly host AI hackathons and data science challenges that allow participants to tackle industry-specific problems.

Engaging in such competitions not only sharpens your technical skills but also demonstrates your ability to apply AI concepts to solve practical problems, which is highly valued by employers.

4. Seek Internship Opportunities :

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Internships with AI-focused companies or research institutions can provide hands-on experience and industry exposure. Look for internship programs that allow you to work on AI projects, collaborate with experienced professionals, and learn from mentors in the field.

Many startups and established companies in India offer AI internships, providing you with the opportunity to work on cutting-edge AI applications and gain practical insights into the industry. Additionally, internship experiences can enhance your resume and make you more attractive to potential employers when seeking full-time positions.

5. Stay Abreast of Industry and Policy Developments:

India’s AI landscape is evolving rapidly, with various initiatives and policies aimed at fostering AI innovation and adoption. Stay updated with the latest industry trends, government initiatives, and policy changes related to AI.

Keep track of industry-specific use cases and advancements in areas such as healthcare, finance, agriculture, and education, as these sectors are experiencing significant AI-driven transformations.

Familiarise yourself with India’s AI-related policies and regulations to understand the ethical and legal considerations associated with AI implementation.

Artificial Intelligence Engineer Salary in India

The salary prospects for artificial intelligence engineers in India are highly promising. With the growing demand for AI talent, organisations are willing to offer competitive compensation packages.

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While salaries may vary depending on factors such as experience, location, and the organisation itself, AI engineers in India can expect a starting salary ranging from INR 8 to 15 lakhs per annum with an average salary of 9.5 LPA. As you gain experience and expertise, your earning potential can significantly increase.


Becoming an artificial intelligence engineer opens doors to an exciting and dynamic career at the forefront of technological innovation. By following the steps outlined in this blog, you can embark on a fulfilling journey to become an AI engineer, contributing to cutting-edge research, developing intelligent systems, and solving complex problems.

In India, the AI industry is thriving, presenting numerous opportunities for growth and advancement. So, equip yourself with the necessary skills, stay updated with industry trends, and be prepared to make a remarkable impact in the field of artificial intelligence.

The world of AI awaits your unique contributions, and the possibilities are boundless!

Frequently Asked Question

AI Engineering can be challenging, but it ultimately depends on your dedication, passion, and willingness to learn. It requires a solid foundation in mathematics, programming, and computer science concepts. With perseverance and the right resources, you can develop the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in AI Engineering.

While it’s unlikely to become an AI expert in just three months, you can certainly gain a basic understanding of AI concepts and techniques within that timeframe. Learning AI is an ongoing process that requires continuous learning and practice. Dedicate time to studying relevant topics, completing projects, and exploring real-world applications to build a strong foundation in AI.

Yes, AI heavily relies on mathematics. Mathematical concepts such as linear algebra, calculus, probability theory, and statistics are fundamental to understanding and implementing AI algorithms. Proficiency in math helps in developing and analyzing AI models, optimizing algorithms, and making informed decisions based on data.

A career in AI can be challenging, but it also offers great opportunities and rewards. AI is a rapidly evolving field that requires continuous learning and keeping up with the latest advancements. Success in AI often demands a solid understanding of mathematics, programming, and data analysis. However, with dedication, continuous learning, and a passion for problem-solving, you can build a successful career in AI and contribute to groundbreaking innovations.

About the Author

sonali trehon
Sonali Trehon
Blog Author

Sonali is an accomplished Author, Content Writer, Copywriter, and Ghostwriter, known for her ability to create engaging and captivating communications. With over 11 years of experience, she has developed a diverse industry background in Education, Travel, Retail, Events, and Fashion . Quality over quantity is what she firmly believes in. At UniKakhsa, she leads a team of talented technical writers, dedicated to delivering valuable content to readers through our blogs.

Welcome to the exciting world of Artificial Intelligence! In 2023, AI continues to revolutionize industries, making it more crucial than ever to equip yourself with the right tools. With countless AI coding tools available, we’ve handpicked five that are essential for any AI enthusiast or professional. From the widely popular GitHub to the cutting-edge technologies of OpenAI and AWS, we’ll explore these three powerhouse tools, as well as introduce two more gems that will elevate your AI game. Let’s dive in!

Here are Top 5 Essential AI Coding Tools of 2023:

1. GitHub: The Collaborative Oasis

As an AI developer, collaboration is key, and GitHub is the ultimate hub for teaming up with like-minded individuals. It’s a web-based platform that allows you to store, manage, and share your code repositories. With its version control system, you can effortlessly track changes, manage contributions, and tackle any coding challenges as a team. GitHub also offers robust community support, providing access to a vast array of AI libraries and frameworks. Whether you’re looking to contribute or collaborate on AI projects, GitHub is an indispensable tool for every AI coder.

2. OpenAI: Unleashing Artificial Creativity

OpenAI has been making waves in the AI community, thanks to its groundbreaking language models and innovative tools. Their flagship model, GPT-3.5, has transformed natural language processing and generation, empowering developers to create compelling AI-driven applications. With OpenAI’s API, you can integrate advanced language processing capabilities into your projects effortlessly. Whether you’re building chatbots, content generators, or even virtual assistants, OpenAI’s cutting-edge technology provides a world of possibilities to explore with this AI tool.

3. AWS: Cloud Powerhouse for AI

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a juggernaut in the cloud computing realm, and its AI services are no exception. AWS offers an extensive suite of AI tools and services, making it easier for developers to build, train, and deploy their machine-learning models. With AWS’s SageMaker, you can quickly experiment with different algorithms, fine-tune your models, and scale up as your AI projects grow. Additionally, services like Rekognition for image analysis and Lex for building conversational interfaces give you the tools to create AI-powered applications with ease.

4. TensorFlow: Empowering Deep Learning

When it comes to deep learning frameworks, TensorFlow is a heavyweight champion. Developed by Google, TensorFlow provides a comprehensive ecosystem for building and deploying machine learning models. Its versatility allows you to work on a wide range of projects, from image recognition to natural language processing. With TensorFlow’s intuitive interface and extensive documentation, even beginners can dive into the world of deep learning and create robust AI models.

5. PyTorch: Flexibility and Expressiveness

PyTorch is another immensely popular deep-learning framework that has gained significant traction in recent years. Developed by Facebook’s AI Research team, PyTorch offers a dynamic and user-friendly platform for building AI applications. Its flexibility and expressiveness make it a favourite among researchers and practitioners alike. With PyTorch, you can easily experiment with new ideas, prototype models quickly, and take advantage of its efficient GPU acceleration. The framework’s active community ensures continuous updates, making PyTorch an excellent choice for AI developers seeking flexibility and cutting-edge performance.

In the ever-evolving AI landscape, staying up-to-date with the right AI coding tools is essential. GitHub, OpenAI, and AWS lay the foundation for collaborative development, advanced language processing, and cloud-powered AI solutions. Additionally, TensorFlow and PyTorch provide the building blocks for deep learning projects, with their powerful frameworks and extensive capabilities. By harnessing the power of these five AI coding tools, you’ll be equipped to explore, innovate, and excel in the exciting world of artificial intelligence.

About the Author

sonali trehon
Sonali Trehon
Blog Author

Sonali is an accomplished Author, Content Writer, Copywriter, and Ghostwriter, known for her ability to create engaging and captivating communications. With over 11 years of experience, she has developed a diverse industry background in Education, Travel, Retail, Events, and Fashion . Quality over quantity is what she firmly believes in. At UniKakhsa, she leads a team of talented technical writers, dedicated to delivering valuable content to readers through our blogs.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most rapidly developing technologies today. From Siri and Alexa to self-driving cars, AI is making its presence felt across all sectors. In the past few years, AI and its role has evolved significantly, and its potential for revolutionizing industries cannot be understated. In this blog, we will look at the evolution of AI and its role in various industries.

Evolution of AI
AI was first conceptualized in the 1950s when computer scientist John McCarthy coined the term. The early days of AI were marked by significant progress in developing rule-based systems, which used logical reasoning to simulate human decision-making. However, these systems lacked the flexibility and adaptability of human decision-making.

In the 1980s, AI took a significant leap forward with the development of machine learning algorithms. Machine learning algorithms enabled AI systems to learn and improve from experience, making them more adaptable and intelligent.

In the 2010s, AI made another significant leap forward with the development of deep learning. Deep learning algorithms enabled AI systems to learn and improve from vast amounts of data, making them capable of performing complex tasks such as image recognition and natural language processing.

AI and Its Role in Various Industries

1. Healthcare – AI is revolutionizing healthcare by enabling faster and more accurate diagnoses, developing personalized treatments, and improving patient outcomes. AI-powered medical imaging systems are helping doctors detect and diagnose diseases like cancer, while AI-powered chatbots are providing patients with personalized health advice and support.

2. Finance – AI is transforming the finance industry by automating repetitive tasks, analyzing large datasets, and improving risk management. AI-powered trading algorithms are making trades faster and more accurate, while AI-powered fraud detection systems are helping banks and financial institutions prevent fraud.

3. Retail – AI is changing the retail industry by providing personalized shopping experiences, improving inventory management, and enabling more efficient supply chain management. AI-powered recommendation systems are helping retailers provide personalized product recommendations to their customers, while AI-powered inventory management systems are helping retailers optimize their inventory levels.

4. Manufacturing – AI is revolutionizing the manufacturing industry by enabling predictive maintenance, improving production efficiency, and reducing downtime. AI-powered predictive maintenance systems are helping manufacturers detect and fix equipment problems before they cause downtime, while AI-powered production optimization systems are helping manufacturers improve their production efficiency.

5. Transportation – AI is transforming the transportation industry by enabling self-driving cars, improving logistics management, and reducing accidents. AI-powered self-driving cars are making transportation safer and more efficient, while AI-powered logistics management systems are helping companies optimize their shipping routes and reduce delivery times.

Upskilling in Tech and Unikaksha’s Offerings
As AI continues to evolve and become more prevalent in various industries, there is a growing demand for skilled professionals who can work with AI technologies. Upskilling in tech can help individuals stay competitive in the job market and pursue new career opportunities. Unikaksha offers courses in full-stack development and software development that can help individuals develop the skills needed to work with AI technologies. By mastering these skills, individuals can be well-positioned to take advantage of the opportunities presented by the rapidly evolving AI landscape.

About the Author

sonali trehon
Sonali Trehon
Blog Author

Sonali is an accomplished Author, Content Writer, Copywriter, and Ghostwriter, known for her ability to create engaging and captivating communications. With over 11 years of experience, she has developed a diverse industry background in Education, Travel, Retail, Events, and Fashion . Quality over quantity is what she firmly believes in. At UniKakhsa, she leads a team of talented technical writers, dedicated to delivering valuable content to readers through our blogs.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been making a buzz in education, transforming how we learn and teach. From personalizing education to automating administrative tasks, AI has a wide range of applications that can benefit students, educators, and institutions alike. Let’s explore the impact of AI in education and how it is changing how we learn.

6 ways AI in education will impact:

1. Personalized Learning – One of the most significant benefits of AI in education is its ability to personalize learning. With AI-powered tools, educators can create personalized learning experiences based on student’s individual needs, abilities, and interests. For example, AI algorithms can analyze students’ performance and provide personalized recommendations for learning resources and activities best suited to their learning style. This approach not only makes learning more effective but also helps students stay engaged and motivated.

2. Automating Administrative Tasks – AI can also automate administrative tasks such as grading and assessment, freeing up teachers’ time to focus on more important tasks like teaching and mentoring.

3. Providing Real-time Feedback – AI-powered tools can provide real-time feedback to students, helping them identify their strengths and weaknesses and make adjustments accordingly.

4. Intelligent Tutoring Systems – Another exciting application of AI in education is the development of intelligent tutoring system. These systems use natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to simulate one-on-one tutoring interactions between a student and a teacher. The system can adapt to the student’s needs, pacing, and learning style, making the learning process more efficient and effective.

5. Analyzing Student Data – AI can also help identify students who may be at risk of dropping out of school or falling behind academically. By analyzing student data, such as attendance and performance, AI algorithms can identify patterns and alert educators to intervene before the student falls too far behind.

6. Delivering Educational Content – AI is also transforming the way we develop and deliver educational content. For example, AI-powered chatbots can answer student questions in real time, providing instant support and feedback. AI-powered content creation tools can help educators create high-quality educational content faster and more efficiently than ever before.

Overall, AI has the potential to revolutionize education, making learning more personalized, efficient, and effective. As AI continues to develop, we can expect to see even more innovative applications in the field of education.

How can UniKaksha help?
Unikaksha offers upskilling courses in full-stack web development and software development, aligning with the latest trends in AI. By learning these skills, students can develop the technical expertise to work with AI-powered tools and technologies. The courses cover a range of topics, including machine learning, data analytics, and programming languages like Python and Java. By enrolling in these courses, students can gain a competitive edge in the job market and take advantage of the exciting opportunities that AI is creating in the field of education and beyond.

About the Author

sonali trehon
Sonali Trehon
Blog Author

Sonali is an accomplished Author, Content Writer, Copywriter, and Ghostwriter, known for her ability to create engaging and captivating communications. With over 11 years of experience, she has developed a diverse industry background in Education, Travel, Retail, Events, and Fashion . Quality over quantity is what she firmly believes in. At UniKakhsa, she leads a team of talented technical writers, dedicated to delivering valuable content to readers through our blogs.

Since the demand for tech skills is so high, many people wonder if they’re smart enough or tech ready to pursue a career in web development, design, or data analysis. The answer to this question really depends on your technical skills and abilities. Therefore, the question is, are you Tech ready with the current technical skills? Are you ready for the dynamic tech industry? Are you looking for a well-paying job in the tech industry? 

This is where Unikaksha comes in. The demand for tech skills is growing rapidly and is expected to do so for a very long time. We’ve designed Techfit courses in data science, java, and full-stack web development to take you from new to job-ready in as little as 9 months, and send you off on a path to more freedom and higher earning potential. But how? Let’s see. 

How do we do this? 

  • Flexible learning options: You can enrol in a class at your convenience during the week or on weekends.
  • Learn from the best in the industry: Our trainers are industry experts, IIT alumni, and FAANG developers with 20+ years of industry experience. As you progress through your course, they will guide you, help structure your learning, and evaluate your performance.  
  • 100% placement guarantee: Our Java Full Stack Developer Program, Full Stack Web Developer Program, and Data Science with Python Program come with job placement guarantees. You can trust us to assist you in finding the job in technology you want or you can receive your money back if we fail to do so.
  • Curriculum relevant to the tech industry: We offer a curriculum designed by leading industry experts to help you succeed in your professional career. It’s our goal to keep you and us at the forefront of technology through continuous innovation.

What should be your next step t become tech ready?

  • Find out if java, data science, or full stack web development is right for you by talking to our program counsellors. 
  • Choose the learning format and outcome that best meets your needs. Depending on your needs, you can enroll in placement classes, learning classes, or self-paced courses.
  • Attend one of our FREE Guru Classes with industry experts. Let’s find out what Unikaksha Guru classes are about. Guru Classes are live, 1.5 hours immersion workshops delivered by industry experts, company CTOs, Product Directors, Project Leads, and Senior Developers from reputed companies. These classes intend to provide real-time exposure to on-demand technologies and techniques used by experts to solve a particular problem.
  • Finally, become a qualified java developer, full stack web developer, or data scientist in just 9 months—complete with a job guarantee.

Learn the skills that employers are looking for and get started on your new career today. So if you’re looking for the best way to get #skillfit and create your tech career, look no further!

About the Author

sonali trehon
Sonali Trehon
Blog Author

Sonali is an accomplished Author, Content Writer, Copywriter, and Ghostwriter, known for her ability to create engaging and captivating communications. With over 11 years of experience, she has developed a diverse industry background in Education, Travel, Retail, Events, and Fashion . Quality over quantity is what she firmly believes in. At UniKakhsa, she leads a team of talented technical writers, dedicated to delivering valuable content to readers through our blogs.

Adapting to cutting-edge technology is becoming increasingly important in the highly competitive world of today. In today’s rapidly advancing tech landscape, staying competitive requires honing in-demand tech skills that are driving innovation and propelling professionals to new heights of success. The COVID-19 outbreak in 2020 resulted in a lot of changes across a wide range of industries worldwide. While the world came to a halt, the progress of technology was the only thing that continued. It comes as no surprise that it’s one of the most sought-after careers today and in the future. With technologies rapidly evolving, new career opportunities are being created. Being proficient in new-age technology can give you the edge you need to succeed.

With Industry 4.0 comes a new set of tech skills that you will need to succeed.

Let’s take a look at the top 4  tech skills:

1. Data Science and Analytics

With more and more businesses collecting data, the demand for people who can analyze it and extract valuable insights is only going to grow. If you’re good with numbers and have strong problem-solving skills, consider a career in data science or analytics. 

2. Programming

The foundation of any data science application is programming. Compared to other industries in the IT sector, the developer job market is growing faster. The number of developer jobs is expected to grow by 21% by 2028 while the number of application developer jobs is expected to grow by 28%. Over the next few years, the number of programming jobs will grow to a whopping 28 million, globally. As a result of the growing demand for computer software and mobile phone apps, this industry is expanding rapidly. 

Languages such as Python, JAVA, and C+ are among the most popular programming languages. It is expected that the demand for developers will rise as mobile apps become more popular.

3. Full Stack Development 

The demand for full-stack developers has increased exponentially, as companies seek to create more efficient and agile development teams.  As full stack developers are able to work across the entire spectrum of web development, from front-end design and user experience to back-end server administration, this versatility makes them an indispensable asset to any organization looking to stay ahead of the curve in today’s competitive market. The ability to work across the entire stack also gives full-stack developers a unique perspective on how web applications are built and deployed. This deep understanding of the inner workings of web applications is extremely valuable in troubleshooting and debugging code.

So if you’re looking to get ahead in your career, then learning full stack development skills is a must

4. AI, Machine Learning & IoT

The fourth industrial revolution is the current trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies. It includes a number of new technologies such as the internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence, machine learning, and 3D printing. 

Artificial intelligence & Machine Learning is becoming increasingly important in various industries, from retail to healthcare. Essentially, AI-based innovations aim to eliminate repetitive programming by enabling autonomous machine behaviors. As more and more organizations have remote workers, AI and machine learning are becoming increasingly important. If you’re interested in working with cutting-edge technology, consider a career in AI, ML, and/or IoT

Get SkillFit with Unikaksha’s Tech-Edge 

Since we are increasingly moving towards a digital future, it is imperative that IT professionals, such as data scientists, software engineers, UI developers, system architects, system engineers, and full stack developers, will be in great demand in the future.  This will mean higher wages, higher compensation, and investments by organizations to hire qualified and certified IT professionals.

Unikaksha, one of the leading Ed-Tech training platforms, offers a wide variety of courses that can help you stay ahead of the curve. In addition to skills, having a certification from Unikaksha will prove to be an added advantage. Our courses are designed by industry experts and cover a wide range of topics, from basic coding to more advanced concepts. Whether you’re just starting out or are looking to brush up on your skills, Unikaksha has a course for you.  Click here to find out more:

About the Author

sonali trehon
Sonali Trehon
Blog Author

Sonali is an accomplished Author, Content Writer, Copywriter, and Ghostwriter, known for her ability to create engaging and captivating communications. With over 11 years of experience, she has developed a diverse industry background in Education, Travel, Retail, Events, and Fashion . Quality over quantity is what she firmly believes in. At UniKakhsa, she leads a team of talented technical writers, dedicated to delivering valuable content to readers through our blogs.

When you are looking to develop your career in the tech field, you have an option to choose from these days. Artificial Intelligence and Cyber security are two of the most popular career choices you can consider for your future. Hence, most people trying to opt for a good career option wonder about Artificial Intelligence Vs Cyber security and which would be the best for them. Since there are multiple factors to consider while choosing a good career option, there is no straightforward answer to which career scope would be best for a person.

So let’s have a closer look at artificial intelligence and cyber security and what these two options can provide as career options.

Artificial Intelligence 

Artificial Intelligence is the process wherein machines are made more intelligent than ever before. Through machine learning and artificial intelligence, machines are able to imitate the decision-making capabilities of human beings. The automation features of AI will create more than 800 million jobs in the next few years where people would be expected to have AI development skills than replace traditional ways of doing work. Therefore it is safe to say that AI will become a fast developing sector for numerous industries.

Also read: Top 7 Programming Languages for Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence as a Career

There is now a huge demand for professionals who can use their skills to contribute to the AI industry. The truth is that artificial intelligence is going to determine the way in which most businesses operating these days are going to continue in the future. Thus, it is now a good idea to study artificial intelligence subjects and develop the skills required to become a part of a trending technology-based job profile. Getting AI-based training can help you secure a job in practically any corner of the world.

You need to have in-depth skills relating to data science and programming to build a successful and prosperous career in artificial intelligence. Becoming a professional artificial intelligence and machine learning engineer will help you deal with different types of analytical models. You can also work with extensive datasets to determine the behavior of machines as people interact with them. It is significant that you develop proficiency in various programming languages such as R, Java, PHP, Python, and Perl and have good foundational knowledge of statistics and probability to have the seamless ability working with AI. AI career jobs currently fetch some of the best salaries in the tech industry, so it is worth it for you to learn about these skills.

The entry barrier for a career in artificial intelligence is high as you need to develop skills if you are looking to make a career in this sector. On the other hand, if you are currently working as a software developer, you can find it easier to get into this industry. There are many online learning platforms that can provide you with the skills you need to have when you are trying to become an AI engineer. It will help you get acquainted with the real-world problems associated with AI and enable you to cultivate your depth of knowledge.

Also read: How Intelligent automation Improves Employee Experiences

UniKaksha’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Course

UniKaksha offers Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) course. This course is designed to help you gain an overall perspective of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and some of the common terminology related to it like machine learning, deep learning, neural networks and more. You will also explore use cases and applications of AI-based technologies in various domains such as insurance, healthcare, industry and even space. We’ll show you how AI already exists today in many different forms and how it could be incorporated into our lives soon enough.

Course Content:

  • Introduction and fundamentals of Artificial intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence applications
  • Understanding Supervised Learning Mechanism
  • Understanding Un-Supervised Learning Mechanism
  • Understanding semi-structured / Reinforcement /NLP mechanism

UniKaksha’s Principles and Techniques of AI

This professional course is aimed at offering an exclusive overview of modern artificial intelligence. During this course, you’ll learn how machines can engage in reasoning, learning, problem solving and interaction. You’ll be able to design, test and put into practice the algorithms.

Course Includes:

  • 5 Lessons
  • 5 Topics
  • 5 Quizzes
  • Medium: English

Course content

  • Introduction to AI
  • Applications of AI
  • Supervised Machine Learning
  • Unsupervised Machine Learning
  • Reinforcement Learning

To enroll, visit

Cyber Security

As companies focus on securing their networks and systems from possible security breaches, there is now a high demand for cyber security professionals who can help make sure that your precious data does not fall into the wrong hands. Businesses and individuals are always apprehensive about someone stealing their data through processes like DDOS attacks, Trojan attacks, ransomware attacks, and cyber-frauds. This is why companies are always looking to find skilled professionals who have got in-depth knowledge and understanding of cyber security.

Cyber Security as a Career

It is estimated that by 2028 the global cybersecurity market is going to reach an astounding height of US$ 366.10 billion. Hence it is safe to say that there are now enormous prospects for anyone looking to get into a cyber security career. Since the field of cybersecurity is a huge one, the skills you will need to develop to be a part of this industry depend on the area in which you are looking to specialize.

Compared to artificial intelligence, getting into a cyber security career is easier. It has been possible due to the multiple divergent paths associated with this field. The good thing is that there are many different types of skill sets that you can explore when you want to become a professional operating in the cyber security industry. The salaries for a professional operating in cyber security can vary a lot. It depends on the type of work that you do. For instance, if you are into cloud security, you have a better chance of earning a high salary than someone who is a junior information security professional.

Artificial Intelligence Vs Cyber Security – Which Career is better?

As you can see, both the Artificial Intelligence and Cyber security career options are great. They both offer excellent growth prospects and can present you with some great opportunities to attain financial success. It makes them ideal in their own ways. To choose the career most suitable to you, it is significant that you consider your specific interests and make your decision.

Digital transformation is now a necessity for all organizations post the pandemic. Many enterprises are fast-tracking this transition to improve productivity. An insight from a leading research firm shows that implementing intelligent automation technologies can increase their productivity by 73%, deliver 44% more accuracy in paper-related work, reduce cost by 60 %, and improve the employee experience by 23%.

Intelligent automation can see what the human eye can miss out. By applying technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), the intelligent automation creates insights, and acts by taking the automation process to the next level.

Also read: Top 7 Programming Languages for Artificial Intelligence

One of the major concerns of organizations is that automation means the loss of jobs. Automation does not mean replacement; instead, it helps support employees, providing them better work experience, and gives better customer service. As businesses progress through the 21st century, the traditional work process give way to modern systems and ideas, including remote work.

To make business improve products and services, several developments have been taking place that focused on clients and customers but neglected employees’ experience and their welfare at the workplace. The shift towards remote work for many employees during and after the pandemic has resulted in organizations taking steps to improve the employee experience.

What is Intelligent Automation?

The Intelligent automation process involves combining techniques such as AL and ML and human resources to automate end to end process of a business. The automated process helps employees to become more productive and efficient.

It is easy to incorporate intelligence systems into any business. Many automation solutions do not require code or complex technicalities to integrate into an existing system. One can switch over to automated systems while continuing to operate the manual system.

Many organizations re-examine their existing manual system to understand the current high volume and variety of work assigned to employees to improve employee engagement; intelligent automation comes into play. A survey says that nearly 40%  of the employees spend a quarter of time doing manual and repetitive work.

These repetitive, tedious tasks and multiple work applications can be handed to automated workflow systems and tools, thus enabling employees to free up and handle more meaningful and technical work, improve creativity, work faster and be more productive.  Let us quickly look at the different ways in which Intelligent Automation can help to improve employee experiences .

How Intelligent Automation Improves Employee Experiences?

  •       Reduce the workload of employees

One reason employee engagement gets affected in many organizations is they are overloaded with repetitive tasks such as data entry or inventory, which is boring and takes much time. Apart from this, employees have to do other unique tasks, leaving little time for personal lives.

By including intelligent automation, much of the repetitive manual work that consumes much time can get eliminated, leaving more time for employees to be productive and helping in the business’s profitability.

  •       Helps in business compliances 

Companies have to comply with various statutory regulations. Incorporating intelligent automation removes the risk of human error in the business process. Human resources are not immune to making mistakes, and there are businesses like financial services, accounting, healthcare, etc., which are high regulation sectors where errors can be costly.

Certain tasks require intelligent automation (IA) as they are repetitive and perform data collection and record updating. IA tools like RPA or Robotic process automation are effective in performing such tasks and helping employees to avoid errors and increase productivity.

  •       Enhance collaboration among employees

The technology of IA allows employees to collaborate better, increasing coordination, trust, and team spirit. Technology allows employees to monitor and access other work activities through the system in seconds without contacting and enquiring with them physically. It saves plenty of time across different departments and positions. It gives employees more free time for brainstorming and coming up with critical new ideas that can be helpful for the business.

  •       Helps  improve customer experience with business 

A happy employee is always equal to a happy customer. Employees are the face of a business, and they are the people the customers interact with. IA improves employee engagement, and customers have a better experience leading to their retention and growth of the business.

  •       Improves the organization’s image and attracts new talent

Organizations that are technologically equipped and use intelligent automation are more likely to attract the best talents. They are rated highly by employees where the attrition level is low. The automation process allows structured recruiting and onboarding process, which leads to more employees sticking around with their employers. The organization’s image as a professional workplace becomes public and leads to the company attracting new hires while attracting investors and customers alike.

A  review article observed that organizations that take initiatives like Intelligent automation to improve employee experience make more profit than those that do not. Another report by Mckinsey says that around 60% of the business in various sectors can easily automate 30% of their business process using intelligent automation.

UniKaksha’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Course

UniKaksha offers Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) course. This course is designed to help you gain an overall perspective of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and some of the common terminology related to it like machine learning, deep learning, neural networks and more. You will also explore use cases and applications of AI-based technologies in various domains such as insurance, healthcare, industry and even space. We’ll show you how AI already exists today in many different forms and how it could be incorporated into our lives soon enough.

Course Content:

  • Introduction and fundamentals of Artificial intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence applications
  • Understanding Supervised Learning Mechanism
  • Understanding Un-Supervised Learning Mechanism
  • Understanding semi-structured / Reinforcement /NLP mechanism

To enroll, visit


It is increasingly becoming evident that employees globally are stressed out and enjoying their duties and work less and less every day. Though they do not lack motivation, their efficiency and productivity levels are dying while anxiety and stress rates soar. As business owners or professional management of large corporations, they must improve their employee engagement and experience and improve the business’s productivity.

About the Author

sonali trehon
Sonali Trehon
Blog Author

Sonali is an accomplished Author, Content Writer, Copywriter, and Ghostwriter, known for her ability to create engaging and captivating communications. With over 11 years of experience, she has developed a diverse industry background in Education, Travel, Retail, Events, and Fashion . Quality over quantity is what she firmly believes in. At UniKakhsa, she leads a team of talented technical writers, dedicated to delivering valuable content to readers through our blogs.

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